Loading your kayak for multi-day trip is easy with the Bayspirit.
Zegul Bayspirit is a great sea kayak for intermediate and advanced paddlers. Photos: Daniel Villadsen
Plenty of room for packing
WithalittlelessstablethantheOceanspiritmodel,theBayspirithasgainedmoremomentumwiththeslightlymoreroundhull.Onmytrips, Icouldeasytomaneuver the kayak in the waves, and I would say that the stability is still comfortable, but the feeling of it is even more nicer.
Theseatisverycomfortable,andtheheightinthecockpitisfineformylegs/kneesaswell. Bayspirit works fine with edging - I find that the Zegul Arrow Play kayak is a bit easier to hold the edge - it might be because of the design of the kayak. After bracing it recovered quite fast. Capsize recoveries and getting back to the kayak was quite easy, and the wide hull made it fine and stabile. You just got to be aware not to hit the rudder with the feet or head, when climbing up on the kayak.
The combination of skeg and rudder
The Bayspirit kayak comes with a skeg and rudder* combination, which has worked really nice for different situations. I usually haven’t been using a rudder, but I was positively surprised. I find that it can be very useful when paddling in conditions with extra wind and/or current that can affect the kayak. Another aspect is that having a rudder can also be very helpful for less experienced kayakers, as it can help them control the kayak easier - and thereby can give a more pleasant paddling experience.
Comparedto my other kayaks (theZegulArrowPlayandtheNuka),theBayspirithasmoreroominthecockpitthantheNuka(whichislowerandmorenarrow).Inthatway IthinkthatthePlayandtheBayspiritremindsofeachother,whiledesignwise(line/edgesorroundnessofthehull)theBayspiritandtheNukaaremorealike.
*Upgrade. Bayspirit has SmartTrack rudder starting from 2023.
Daniel Villadsen rolling with Bayspirit - it was fairly easy to roll.
Daniel Villadsen
Zegul ambassador Daniel Villadsen is outdoors guide, adventure & lifestyle photographer. For more information have a look at his Instagam page: @dvphoto.dk